Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals and Conference Proceedings


Correa, I., & Holbert, N., (2023) Material-led research: A Posthumanist methodology for maker education practitioners. Digital Culture & Education, 14(5), 191-213

Correa, I. (2023). Interspecies creativity: A life-centered framework for maker education [Doctoral dissertation]. Teachers College, Columbia University.

Correa, I., Holbert, N., Danzig, B., VonJoo, L. (2023). Dialogues without words: Multispecies and multimattered creativity in maker education. Proceedings of International Conference of Learning Science (ICLS 2023). Montreal, Canada.

Tissenbaum, M., Smith, C., Bawankule, A., Hopping, D., Holbert, N., Correa, I., Danzig, B., & Zikovitz D., (2023). Connected Spaces: Technological Infrastructure for Collaborative Debugging at a Distance. In L. Morales-Navarro & J. B. Kafai, Designing for Successful Failure: Constructionist Perspectives on Supporting Personally Meaningful and Culturally Empowered Learning and Teaching [Symposium]. Proceedings of Constructionism 2023. New York, US

Holbert, N., Dando, M., Correa, I. (2023). Critical Constructionist Design: A design framework and analytic tool for developing and documenting speculative learning experiences. In M. Mirra & A. Garcia (Eds.), Speculative Pedagogies: Designing Equitable Educational Futures. New York, TC Press.


Zikovitz, D., Holbert, N., & Correa, I. (2022). The Secret Communication Panel: A Constructionist Communications Device for Developing Computational Thinking Skills in School-Age Children. In Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’22), June 27–30, 2022, Braga, Portugal. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages.


Correa, I., Holbert, N. (2021). Myco-kit: Towards a design for interspecies creative learning. Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC 2021). Athens, Greece [online]. (PDF)

Correa, I. (2021). Human-Nature Entanglements: Explorations in Creativity Beyond Human [Exhibition]. The Offit Gallery, New York City, NY.


Holbert, N., Dando, M., Correa, I. (2020). Afrofuturism as critical constructionist design: Building futures from the past and present. Learning Media and Technology. 1–17.

Correa, I., Holbert, N. (2020). Creating Purpose: A Case Study of the Creative Process of an African American Teen in Constructionist Making. Proceedings of International Conference of Learning Science (ICLS 2020). Nashville, TN. (PDF)

Holbert, N., Dando, M. & Correa, I. (2020). Playing with FuturePasts: Afrofuturist Design as Critical Praxis. In N. Holbert (Chair) & H. Yoon (Chair), and L. Vasudevan (Discussant), The Aesthetics of (Un)Charted Play: Negotiating Nostalgia and Digital Demons in an Era of "Post-Truth" Educational Research. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2020). Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Correa, I. (2020). Human-Nature Meaning-Making. Mothers and daughters rethinking humans’ relationship with nature through critical constructionist design. Proceedings of FABLEARN 2020. New York, NY.

Correa, I. & Holbert, N. (2020). The human-Nature project: Using critical constructionist design to re-think humans’ relationship with nature. Proceedings of Constructionism 2020. Dublin, Ireland.


Dando M.B., Holbert N., Correa I. (2019). Remixing Wakanda: Envisioning Critical Afrofuturist Design Pedagogies. Proceedings of FABLEARN 2019. New York, NY. (PDF)

Correa, I. (2019, December). The HumaNature Project: Mothers and Daughters Re-thinking Humans’ Relationship with Nature through Critical Constructionist Design. Paper presented at the Qualitative Research Methods Course Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY.

Correa, I. (2018). WeKnow, an online community for tweens as a social system for creativity. Proceedings of Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference 2018, Vanderbilt University. Nashville, TN.

Public Scholarship and Media


Ecovative Blog (2022). Learning to Create with Fungi. Designer Isabel Correa's experiments ask what interspecies collaboration looks like.

Gottesman Libraries (2021). New Book Display: The Entangled World of Fungi